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FRL 2013 | FRL 3253 | FRL 3263 | FRL 3273 | FRL 3283 | FRL 3293

Recommended resources for Professor John Wyatt's students taking FRL2013, FRL3253, FRL3263, FRL3273, FRL3283, and FRL3293.

Locating Nash & Cibinic Reports

The Nash & Cibinic Report is a monthly publication about government contracts and provides an "analysis of critical, current, and controversial federal procurement issues." The library owns copies beginning with 1987 and continuing up to the present. If your instructor has assigned specific issues for you to read, you will find the latest year in Course Reserves and the earlier issues shelved on the 5th Floor. The call number is HD3861.U6 N38.


The Nash and Cibinic Report example