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Kinesiology & Health Promotion

Kinesiology and Health Promotion Resource Guide for Cal Poly Pomona Students and Faculty

Kinesiology Resource Guide

This resource guide supports students and researchers in the Kinesiology and Health Promotion Department – including Pedagogy, Exercise Science, and Health Promotion. Students taking KIN 2290 may also use this additional guide to support their coursework. If you are off-campus, many of the resources featured here require that you login with your BroncoID and Password.

Whether you've found this guide while working on an assignment or as you're trying to learn more about a new subject, please reach out to if you have questions or are in need of additional resources!

A femal physical therapy technician, applies kinesio tape on a patient’s ankle to reduce swelling.

A female physical therapy technician, applies kinesio tape on a patient’s ankle to reduce swelling and increase blood flow to the area. (2012) Wikimedia Commons.