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University Library Instruction Program

This Page provides information for Faculty about the Information Literacy Instruction Program at the Cal Poly Pomona University Library

Our Mission:

The University Library Instruction Program at Cal Poly Pomona supports faculty, staff, students and the community in exploring, evaluating and ethically using information in order to become critical information consumers and creators. In pursuing this mission we align ourselves with the University's goals to create global citizens and integrative thinkers who engage in lifelong learning. We undertake this gal through a variety of instructional modalities, both synchronous and asynchronous, adapting our methodologies as needed to the changing instructional landscape.

Instruction Program Learning Outcomes

  1. Students will be able to assess the credibility of a source through thoughtful critique, evaluation and identification of sources.
  2. A student will be able to select a source that best meets an information need based on audience, context and purpose of various formats.
  3. Students will be able to give credit to the ideas and intellectual property of others through attribution and/or formal citation conventions.
  4. Students will be able to formulate a research strategy based on information gaps or reexamining existing information.
  5. A student will be able to identify the contribution that a particular source makes to their specific research project.
  6. A student will be able to match information needs and search strategies to appropriate search tools.