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Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS)


If you are a Cal Poly Pomona student, faculty, or staff, you can request access to Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS).

  1. Go to the WRDS website and click on REGISTER.
  2. Register for an account following the instructions below:
    • Email Address: use your CPP.EDU email
    • Subscriber: choose California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
    • User type: if you are a student, select Students (Masters/Undergrad); if you are a Faculty member, select Faculty to create your own account or Shared Account for Class to create an account for a group of students.

Accounts will usually be approved within a day. If you experience any delays, please email Business Librarian Julie Shen.

Get Started

To learn more about the datasets available for download, check this list of the Data Included. In addition, the Cal Poly Pomona College of Business Administration may have made other datasets available. You will be able to see the additional datasets once you login.

Once you log in, there is a couple of options for you to find data: 

  1. Use the GET DATA button at the top of the page. It will allow you to find data by VENDORS, CONCEPTS, COMPANIES, and VARIABLES.  

    Get Data in WRDS
    For example, under CONCEPTS you can click on Stock Prices, which will show a list of datasets that include stocks. 
  2. Look at the SUBSCRIPTIONS section on the main page. Clicking on each dataset will provide more details about what it contains. 

    Many datasets offer the option to preview them without running your own query. If the option is available, it will appear as follows:

WRDS Tutorials


To get started fast, give this a try:

  1. Click on GET DATAVENDORS: Compustat - Capital IQ
  2. Click on North America
  3. Click on Index Prices
  4. Under Step 1: Choose your date range, change the dates to reflect most recent 5 years. You can use the point-and-click interface, or you can click inside the boxes and type the dates.
  5. Under Step 2: Apply your company codes, click Search the entire database
  6. Under Step 3: Choose query variables
    • Under Identifying Information, select CONM -- Index Name (CONM)
    • Under Data Items, select PRCCM -- Price - Close (PRCCM)PRCHM -- Price - High (PRCHM), and PRCLM -- Price - Low (PRCLM).
  7. Under Step 4: Select query output, select your preferred format
  8. Click Submit Form

Also See