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AG 1110: Agriculture: The Foundation of Civilizations


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OneSearch - Find Books, Articles, Journals, and more

OneSearch is the Library's search engine

With a single search you can find books, articles, and other materials on any research topic. If you have any questions, please ask us!



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Recommended Databases

OneSearch actually searches across these databases but you may find it easier to search in one database at a time to better control your search. Search tips are available in this guide (link) and in the Agriculture research guide (link) but please do reach out to the librarian if you have any questions or need any assistance.

History-focused databases

Multiple-subject databases

Helpful for background information

Reference sources (e.g., encyclopedias, dictionaries, and handbooks) and other books in these databases can help your understanding as you work by providing authoritative summary information and brief explanations (from the reference sources) and additional background information or context (from the books).

Search Tips for AG 1110: Creating Advanced Keyword Searches

These tips can be used, in general, with the Library's OneSearch, databases, and on the open Web.

Try Boolean operators or connectors

  • AND = Fewer results. All of your search terms must be found in the results. EXAMPLE: agriculture AND economic history. You could also just type: agriculture economic history.

  • OR = More results. Any one or more of your search terms must be found in a result. EXAMPLE: innovation OR invention.

  • NOT = Fewer results. Word(s) must be excluded from the results. EXAMPLE: NOT review. The word "review" would be excluded.

Try a phrase search

  • Find words that appear in a particular order. Type the words in order between quotation marks. EXAMPLE: "Little Ice Age"

Try a truncation search

  • Finds words that start with certain letters. Type a word stem, then add an asterisk symbol. EXAMPLE: Farm* will find farm, farmed, farmer, farming.

Try a nested search

  • Use parentheses to separate search statements so they can be combined and performed in order. Statements inside parentheses are searched first, and the order of operations is left to right. EXAMPLE: agrarian (innovation OR invention).

Try an index or field search

  • Find words in a particular index or field. For example, you can search for words within the Title, Abstract, or Subject field.

Below are example searches you can modify in OneSearch, per your topic:

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