AnthroSource contains more than 300,000 full-text articles from the journals, newsletters, bulletins and monographs of the American Anthropological Association; as well as access to scientific research information across the field of anthropology.
Searches back runs of scholarly journals; art & architecture, language & literature, history, economics, social sciences, mathematics, ecology and music. JSTOR now includes some current issues for selected titles. Ebooks from scholarly publishers are also available.
Multi-subject database; articles from journals & other publications. Covers business, education, history, literature, medicine, philosophy, politics, science, and technology.
Search platform for a wide range of multi-disciplinary subject areas, including agriculture, alternative publications, biology, business, country reports, dissertations and theses, education, ethnic and gender issues, geosciences, historical Los Angeles Times and New York Times, literature, PTSD, sociology, and US and global news.
Peer-reviewed scholarly journals, articles, book chapters, and open access content, primarily STM; also covers physical sciences, engineering, life sciences, health sciences, social sciences, and the humanities. Read more about this resource or watch a how-to video. Access to the Earth and Planetary Sciences Focus Collection and Environmental Science Focus Collection also available.