The University Library seeks to provide our users with high-quality resources to help them understand the issues of the day. If you have suggestions for materials to be added to this guide or comments or questions, please share them with us by scanning the QR code below. The University Library welcomes suggestions for other topical guides on current issues.
Here are links to high-quality sources of international news coverage. In the case of newspapers, links to the University Library's subscription to these papers through the Global Newsstream database have been provided, and to access them from off-campus, you will need to login with your Bronco ID and Password. If you would like to set up an RSS feed to any of these news sources to receive daily updates, please see the "Setting up an RSS Feed from Library Databases" instructions in the box to the left.
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict (of which the current war in Gaza is the most recent violent outbreak) is a long-standing and complex conflict in which politics, ethnic identity, historical grievance and religion are deeply intertwined. As such, the many voices you are likely to encounter on this conflict are going to be extremely passionate, sometimes at the expense of accuracy. When encountering news online, particularly on Social Media, where digital provenance is not always clear, please consider the following tools:
Some Basic Ideas to Keep in Mind:
Online Fact Checking Tools: