Business news and analysis. Peer-reviewed research. Industry reports by country. Part of Proquest Databases. Read more about this resource or visit the help page.
Create custom maps using downloadable U.S. datasets. Topics covered: people (demographics, consumer expenditures, market segments, sales potential), businesses (establishments, employees, retail sales), consumer price index, crime, and weather. Geographies available: states, congressional district, counties, cities, zip code, census tract, block groups, and street address. Not all data available in all geographies.
Access datasets from AuditAnalytics, Compustat, CRSP, Dow Jones, Federal Reserve Bank, MSRB, OTC Markets, and others. Funded by the College of Business Administration. Free account registration required of all users. Undergraduate students, please register for a “Masters/Undergraduate Student” account. If you have any questions, please email Business Librarian Julie Shen ( and copy Associate Dean Cheryl Wyrick (
Cal Poly Pomona (old stables) by JingKe888 (2024)
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