Kathleen Salcepuedes (ECS 4100)
Irene Peraza (ECS 4100) |
Teaching Philosophy |
I am a college student at Cal Poly Pomona majoring in Early Childhood Development. Although my goal is to become a pediatric physical therapist, I believe the courses I have taken here will better my understanding of children’s developmental needs. Some of my strengths include: organizational skills, patience, dedication, adaptability, and enthusiasm. My teaching philosophy is to prepare children with developmentally appropriate activities to have a fun and enthusiastic perspective on learning. What better way to stimulate a child’s learning than to incorporate their interests into every day lesson plans. As Marc Anthony once said, “If you do what you love you never have to work a day in your life”. As a future educator, I hope to encourage and tend to your children’s interests and needs to better their educational experience. |
My teaching philosophy when teaching would be to not give up on any student. Every student has their own skills and knowledge and different learning styles. Also, having a bond with the student is important. So, having their parents involved in their learning not only creates a connection between home and school but also builds a great relationship for the students growth. Kathleen will be my partner for the virtual story-time and we can't wait to implement an activity based off your child's interest. |
Marlene Villa (ECS 4100)
Sara Olivas-Gradias (ECS 4100) |
Teaching Philosophy |
I am on my last year at CPP. I currently work for the Hacienda La Puente Unified School District as an instructional aid for special education. My strengths include a strong passion for teaching, patience, and compassion and understanding for all students. I believe that early childhood education sets a foundation for the child's future trajectory. Therefore, as an early childhood educator, I always strive to create a warm, respectful, and safe environment, where every child has an equal opportunity to gain knowledge and flourish. To accomplish this goal, I will incorporate every child's strengths and diversities into their learning process, while giving them the tools they need to succeed in the classroom. |
I am currently on my last year at CPP. I currently work at ABSI as a behavioral interventionist. My strengths are my organization skills, patience, and eagerness to learn. I believe early childhood education plays a vital role in the development of a child, so as an educator for young children it is my responsibility to gain the influence and provide the means to educate. Therefore I commit to being a teacher that will create an environment for learning by giving the time, materials and activities necessary to build on their skills. |
Yuyan Qiu (ECS 4100)
Arely Hermosillo (ECS 4100)
Teaching Philosophy |
I enjoy creating and planning lesson because it makes me feel satisfied when seeing children actually learn something from me. My teaching philosophy is that I believe play is important in children’s learning process. Play provides children a different way to learn what they are interested in. I want to support children to express their thoughts and develop their own potential in my class. | I am a senior at Cal Poly Pomona, majoring in Early Childhood Studies. I hope to become a teacher one day, preferably preschool or kinder aged children. A lot of development occurs at such a young age, which amazed me, and I would love to be a part of that. My philosophy is that children are unique individuals that learn best through play in a safe, caring, and stimulating environment. In order to grow and mature emotionally, intellectually, physically, and socially they need a welcoming and safe environment that meets each of their individual needs. Although some guidance is needed, they will need to be given the space to discover things for themselves and practice their skills. |
Jazmin Cardenas (ECS 4100) |
Kayla Noble (ECS 4100) |
Teaching Philosophy |
I am an undergrad student at Cal Poly Pomona studying early childhood education. I am eager to continue learning and striving to work with children as I further my educational journey into graduate school this year, specializing in Child Development from birth to adolescence. My teaching philosophy consists of always putting my children first and their families in order to instill an environment that strives on effective growth in all areas of developmental domains in children through their, interests, curiosities, explorations, experimentations, and experiences. I am a strong believer in the importance of children's early years of life and how crucial it is to understand those first years of life and knowing how to set grounded foundational skills that have a tremendous impact on how they can be set to navigate through life as they age. I am looking forward to this clinical practicum class to further enhance my practice interacting with children. | I am a senior at Cal Poly Pomona. My strengths are my communication skills to parents and children, creativity of teaching in a classroom environment, adaptability to all situations and a great deal of patience. My love for teaching children about the world we live in as well as essential tools that they will never forget is my reasoning behind being an early childhood educator.
My teaching philosophy is for my role as an early childhood student and future educator is to encourage the growth of students development. With the story and hands on activities that your child will experience in this lesson will cause children to think creatively and experience new things in the safe atmosphere we thrive to create. |
Alicia Hernandez (ECS 4100)
Ingrid Dionicio (ECS 2100)
Teaching Philosophy |
I am a future child educator! My strengths include being patient, understanding, and caring for my students. I love to get to know my students and their families and I'm dedicated to creating a safe and fun environment for them to learn and thrive in. My teaching philosophy is based on the student and their needs. I want my students to feel safe and heard while in the classroom. I believe every student should have the opportunity to be able to explore the world around them in a safe way with the guidance of their teacher so they can learn what best interests them. | My teaching philosophy is to create a learning environment that empowers children to think creatively, feel heard and grow confident in their abilities; while also emphasizing that families are a crucial part of the child's learning process. Having to think creatively, being heard and to grow confident in their abilities can help with their own self identity and own independence while continuing growing and learning everyday! |
Kenia Perez (ECS 4100)
Denise Estrada (ECS 2100)
Teaching Philosophy |
A few of my strengths are being able to listen attentively to children, actively engage with children and always looking for ways to improve. My teaching philosophy includes building relationships with parents and children. I hope by having a close relationship with parents and students it will assist in creating a positive environment in the classroom and a place where all voices are heard. My philosophy also includes creating experiences that are hands on and are based on children’s interests. By doing so it will ensure students are actively engaged in their learning and create meaningful and memorable experiences. | As a teacher I aim to provide children with the essential experiences needed to develop and reach their full potential. I recognize each child as their own individual with unique differences. Recognizing these differences promotes me to create lesson plans tailored to each child to ensure optimal and meaningful learning experiences. |
Amandeep Kaur (ECS 4100)
Teaching Philosophy |
My Strengths: I have a great amount of patience when working with children, a bubbly personality, and I also feel that I'm a great communicator. Teaching Philosophy: I believe that children learn most through their own imagination and exploring on their own. Although we are in charge in a class setting, children should be allowed to be in charge at times as well. I genuinely believe that we learn from children just as much as they learn from us, as their teachers. |
Evelyn Guido (ECS 4100) |
Madison Huseman (ECS 2100) |
Teaching Philosophy |
I am excited to work with children. I love hands on activities. I believe the children learn through real life materials and engaging with them. | As a future educator my philosophy is to create an inclusive, anti-bias, and culturally diverse environment for children to grow in. I want to work side by side with families to help their children develop into the best version of themselves in the classroom and in their community. I aim to promote a kind and caring environment where children are able to learn from each other and develop relationships. |
Kaitlyn Koszyk (ECS 4100)
Samantha Ann Schneider (ECS 2100)
Teaching Philosophy |
I am currently a senior at Cal Poly Pomona. I am a transfer student from Riverside City College and I have my AA in Early Childhood Development. I have worked as a Kindergarten Aide for the last three years and I am currently an Aide for 1st Grade Special Ed. I understand children’s needs, wants and development and with this knowledge and understanding; I want to be a teacher that creates a safe, understanding and inviting classroom. I want my future and current students to learn from me and for me to learn from them. |
Based on Lev Vygotsky’s social-learning theory that children learn with hands-on experiences, I believe that children are best motivated in an environment that fosters meaningful interactions, encourages sharing and participation, and promotes inquiry-based learning and child directed play. My role as an educator is to provide a learning environment for young children that will encourage them to construct, explore, discover, inquire, experiment, and investigate the world around them. |
Natalie Estupinian (ECS 4100)
Teaching Philosophy |
I’m so excited to be doing Storytime with your child. I strive to be the best teacher I always wanted when I was young and now I feel like as a student and assistant teacher I am always applying what I learn in and out of the classroom. Teaching children is my passion and I hope to one day be that teacher that I always envisioned. Some of my strengths are adapting and recognizing what children are interested in and then doing the best at applying it in the classroom. I am patient, passionate, and enthusiastic when it comes to teaching children and having a great time in a school environment. |
Samantha Bello (ECS 4100)
Teaching Philosophy |
I am a senior here at Cal Poly Pomona. I strongly believe that teaching is also a process of learning so as we teach young children they are also teaching us along the way. Everyday we learn patience, understanding, and caring, this is what we model to our children with our colleagues, parents, and community. I believe that a classroom should be safe, a place where children are warmed and welcome and may consider it a safe place to express their creativity, emotions, and personalities all while strengthening practical life skills. By creating a hands on experience we are encouraging the child to grow and learn from their own mistakes, allowing them many chances to try again and problem solve. |
Maria Ayala (ECS 4100) |
Rubi Argueta (ECS 2100) |
Teaching Philosophy |
I believe that as a future educator I am responsible for providing positive learning experiences. I strive to model respect, equality, patients and positive care for young children. I strongly believe that children learn best when they are provided with learning experiences that are meaningful, fun and engaging. My goal as an educator is that all children are in a loving and comfortable environment where their thoughts, feelings and ideas are freely shared and respected. | My teaching philosophy is to proive children a safe place. Children should always feel safe and comfortable to speak their mind. This can help children develop and flourish in their own way. |