Sally Romero
Reference & Instruction Librarian
University Library
Students in the Early Childhood Studies department at Cal Poly Pomona are provided with the knowledge and skills needed to make a positive difference in the lives of children from prenatal to age eight and their families. We are dedicated to fostering a student-centered, active learning environment where students take theory into practice using a social justice lens that values inclusivity and diversity and advocates for ethnic/racial, gendered, and other underrepresented individuals in society. Through this lens, we have developed an assignment in which our ECS 2100/4100 practicum courses conduct live virtual zoom meetings with children ages birth through eight. These live virtual zoom meetings will be around 30 minutes and consist of a read-aloud and activity that is developmentally appropriate for the young child. Caregivers are required to participate in the infant and toddlers and preschool zoom meetings and highly encouraged to be participants with their children for their children in kinder to third grade.
The instructors help guide students in their live zoom meetings. Zoom meetings will be recorded for instructors to provide feedback. These recordings will only be used for the course and not shared elsewhere. By joining the zoom meetings you (the child's caregiver) and your child agree to be video recorded with your child and take part in the live virtual read aloud and activity. The students have the right to eliminate any individual during the zoom meeting who may not be conducting appropriate behaviors for young children.
Eden Haywood-Bird, PhD
Instructor for ECS 2100A
Assistant Professor, Early Childhood Studies Department
Giselle Navarro-Cruz, PhD
Instructor for ECS 4100A
Assistant Professor, Early Childhood Studies Department