Primary source newspaper content from 1800-1899, featuring full-text content and images from about 500 newspapers from a range of territories and urban and rural regions throughout the U.S. Includes topics such as the American Civil War, the Confederacy, African-American culture and history, Western migration, immigration, elections and Antebellum-era life. Funded by the History Department.
Indigenous Newspapers in North America contains a collection of more than 200 years of Indigenous print journalism over more than 9,000 individual editions from the perspective of Indigenous peoples of the U.S. and Canada in both native languages and English.
The L.A. Times offers full page and article images; covers 1985 to present.
The L.A. Times (1881-2000) offers full page and article images with searchable full text back to the first issue.
The New York Times (1851-2020) offers full page and article images with searchable full text.