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Engineering Technology

A guide to Library resources and research for Engineering Technology students.


This guide will help you find information you need for your projects and provides pointers for getting started with your research. Use the tabs above to find the type of information you need. Please don't hesitate to contact the Engineering Librarian if you have any questions.

Get Started

It's difficult to identify materials specific to Engineering Technology in the Library. The Library of Congress (LC) Classification system used in our Library is organized around the traditional engineering disciplines(civil, mechanical, electrical, etc.) and does not have a separate Engineering Technology section.

This doesn't mean there is nothing for Engineering Technology students in the Library. You'll find plenty to meet your needs. Just think about the words that describe your topic and use them as your search keywords.

Look for books on your topic:

  • Read the Find Books section to learn more about searching the Library Catalog.

Look for articles on your topic. Use the databases recommended on other Engineering Guides:

About OneSearch

OneSearch is the Library's all purpose search interface. OneSearch brings in search results (books, articles, more) from the Library Catalog and most of our databases. OneSearch is still under development and has some quirks. Take a look at our OneSearch FAQ to learn more.

OneSearch box


IMPORTANT!  OneSearch does not actually search everything. OneSearch does NOT search Compendex, our primary engineering database, and it does not search the full text of other important engineering resources such as IEEE Xplore or Knovel.

Featured links showing databases linkGo ahead and try OneSearch, but for most of your engineering research you will have better results if you use one of the databases recommended for your major. Look for the Databases link in the Featured Links area of the Library homepage.