Hi everybody! Hope this semester is going well for you so far. If you have any library questions or if you need help with a research topic, please don't hesitate to reach out. Office Hours: This semester my office hours are Mondays 1:00-3:00pm, Tuesdays 9:00-11:00am, and Friday 2:00-4:00pm. If you're on campus, please stop by and say hi! 🌞😎🌞😎🌞Email: ✉ jshen@cpp.edu Phone: 📱 909-869-4330 Appointments: 📅 See my availability and select an appointment
You will be able to select Zoom 💻 or in-person 🤝 Group appointments are also available 📅 Office: Building 15 Room 2334D
Many of the resources featured here require that you login with your Bronco name and password. If you have any questions, please contact librarian Julie Shen at jshen@cpp.edu.