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Websites - Law

Law, regulation, legislation, courts (USA and California), contracts, criminal justice, business law, and intellectual property.

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Laws and Regulations

4LawSchool  Case briefs and other resources for both students and practicing lawyers.

PublicLegal Internet Legal Resource Guide (ILRG) ILRG is "A categorized index of more than 4000 select web sites...." broadly organized by Academia, Professional, and Research. This comprehensive site includes a Legal Forms Archive and a section for Law Schools.

LawGuru From a LA law firm called ESLAMBOLY & BARLAVI, a generous site with free advice and links to other legal sites.

Treaties and International Law From the Internet Law Library, a listing of links to treaties and foreign law. ® Martindale-Hubble Lawyer Locator Find lawyers by name, law school, firm.

IPL2 Legal Research A listing of annotated sites.

US Laws

Constitution of the United States of America; analysis and interpretation The "Annotated Constitution;" we have also in paper (Ref KF 4527 K54 Desk). This is an excellent resource to study interpretations and cases that apply to the Articles and Ammendments.
Founders Constitution Primary documents that illuminate the ideas that formed the Constitution in 1789.

Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) The Code of Federal Regulations or CFR is the administrative regulations of the United States.

Federal Register The Federal Register daily updates the Code of Federal Regulations.

United States Code (USC) the United States Code or USC is the law passed by the US Congress compiled into the codes.
For the text of US Public Laws (PL- ) from 1995/96 on see: Public and Private Laws: Main Page (US Government Publishing Office)

Helpful non-government legal websites:

PLOLThe Public Library of Law ™  Cases, statutes, laws, US and States.

LII Legal Information Institute The Legal Information Institute page of Cornell Law School includes decisions of the US Supreme Court.

Center for Constitutional Rights
Advances and protects the rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Cases include illegal detentions, Guantanamo, surveillance and attacks on dissent, criminal justice and mass incarceration, corporate human rights abuse, government abuse of power, racial/gender/economic justice, and international law and accountability.

RJ&L Religious Liberty Archive “The Religious Liberty Archive is an extensive repository of valuable information and a useful resource for anyone seeking information about state and federal laws pertaining to religious freedom in the United States.”

Treaties and International Law From the Internet Law Library, a listing of links to treaties and foreign law.

US Legislation

Federal Legislative Branch “Official information and services from the U.S. government.”

United States House of Representatives See also: Video Feeds from the House Floor
United States Senate
The sites for the two houses of Congress will give you the status of legislation, hearings schedules, and other congressional business.
To locate Members of Congress:

Members of the House

Members of the Senate

See also:

For past years see: Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1774 - Present is the "official website for U.S. federal legislative information. The site provides access to accurate, timely, and complete legislative information for Members of Congress, legislative agencies, and the public. It is presented by the Library of Congress (LOC) using data from the Office of the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives, the Office of the Secretary of the Senate, the Government Publishing Office, Congressional Budget Office, and the LOC's Congressional Research Service."

For the text of US Public Laws (PL- ) from 1995/96 on see: Public and Private Laws: Main Page (US Government Publishing Office)

Congressional Research Service (CRS) reports:

CRS Congressional Research Reports "The Congressional Research Service (CRS) serves as shared staff to congressional committees and Members of Congress. CRS experts assist at every stage of the legislative process — from the early considerations that precede bill drafting, through committee hearings and floor debate, to the oversight of enacted laws and various agency activities."

Helpful non-government websites:

LWV The League of Women Voters ®
Project Vote Smart Project Vote Smart is a national. nonpartisan organization that provides information on candidates and issues for state and national elections. Center for Responsive Politics " is your nonpartisan guide to money’s influence on U.S. elections and public policy." That is, who gives how much to who.

PLOLThe Public Library of Law ™  Cases, statutes, laws, US and States. 

US Courts

Federal Judicial Branch “Official information and services from the U.S. government.”

United States Courts This site includes Court Locator, which brings a "click on" map leading to Federal courts throughout the country. Or you can go to courts by circuit number. This site also has general information about the Federal court system.

Supreme Court of the United States The Supreme Court site includes opinions, also information for anyone practicing before the Court (Docket, Calendar, Rules, Bar Admissions, etc.). There is also information for the public (visiting, and an About the Supreme Court link). And for history, including biographies of justices and past opinions, see: The Supreme Court Historical Society.

For Supreme Court Briefs: Briefs on the Merits. Briefs of the Supreme Court of the US.
For Supreme Court Oral Arguments in Court Sessions: Arguments Transcripts.
For Supreme Court Opinions: Opinions of the Supreme Court of the US.
For Orders of the Supreme Court (stays of execution, or denials, and the like) : Term Court Orders.

For Supreme Court Opinions and United States Courts of Appeals from the First, Second and Third series of The Federal Reports, see Open Jurist. Access United States Supreme Court opinions beginning in 1754 (when it was known as the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania) and the Federal Appellate Courts beginning in 1880.

FindLaw ® Supreme Court Search Supreme Court cases from 1883, search by browsing (volume or year), by Citation, by Title, or by Full text.
See also: Landmark Supreme Court Cases

You can also search the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal Decisions 1990- Present. The Ninth Circuit court includes California.

Helpful non-government legal websites:

PLOLThe Public Library of Law ™  Cases, statutes, laws, US and States. 

California Legal System and Laws.

Office of the Attorney General
Go here for California anti-trust, consumer complaints, civil rights, crime reports, and more including:
Crime Data “...5,000 statistical tables, 59 reports, 29 publications.”

Official California Legislative Information
For California; The full text of bills, resolutions, and constitutional amendments, including the current status, history, votes, and analyses. Search for bills by number or key word. This page also leads to California Law, consisting of 29 codes, the State Constitution, and the Statutes. The information presented reflects laws currently in effect. Search for law by key word.

California Code (of) Regulations (CCR)
This site has the California Code (of) Regulations (CCR), formerly known as the California Administrative Code.

California Courts
The state courts system site including opinions of the California Supreme Court.

FindLaw ® California Case Law: 1934-Present
This site has California State Supreme Court and Appellate Court Case Law since 1934. You can search by Citation, Party Name, Full-text, or by Docket Number.

FindLaw ® The United States Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.
The Federal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals includes California. The decisions are from 1990 to the Present. Search by Docket Number, Party Name, or Full-text.

The State Bar of California
Including member of the California Bar (“Attorney Search” find California Lawyers).

California City and Local Laws. Municode Library Click on the state map for city and county laws online
See also Los Angeles Region For LA City and LA County codes and ordinances.

Criminal Justice

IPL2 Law Enforcement The IPL2 site has links to topics of interest to Criminal Justice including forensics and statistics.

FreeAdvice ® Criminal Law Juvenile Law, Parole, Violent Crimes, and more. This comprehensive site includes a search engine.

NCJRS National Criminal Justice Reference Service The NCJRS is a collection of clearinghouses supporting all bureaus of the US Dept. of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, and the Office for Victims of Crime to name a few.

National Archive of Criminal Justice Data (NACJD) The NACJD provides browsing and downloading access to over 500 data collections relating to criminal justice. National Consumers League's Fraud Center Includes Telemarketing fraud, Internet fraud, and fraud against the elderly.

UNCJIN United Nations Crime and Justice Information Network The in UNCJIN in Vienna provides links to UN documents, country specific information, international statistics and research sources, and the Office of International Criminal Justice.

The Smoking Gun ® "...exclusive documents--cool, confidential, quirky--that can't be found elsewhere on the Web." Includes mug shots and police reports for everyday people and celebrities.

Find crime rates and statistics through:

National Archive of Criminal Justice Data, with links to various government and academic sites.
BJS Bureau of Justice Statistics, Access to statistics on crimes, victims, criminals, and the justice system.
Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics Online, The online counterpart of Ref HV 7345 N37b.
Crime Data California Office of the Attorney General “...5,000 statistical tables, 59 reports, 29 publications.”


Business Law

ABA Business Law Section Section, that is, of the American Bar Association. The site includes the full-text of articles from Business Law Today, the Section's news magazine for business lawyers. National Consumers League's Fraud Center Includes Telemarketing fraud, Internet fraud, and fraud against the elderly.

BUSINESS CONTENT includes EDGAR Filings and Disclosures, Company Investigator (including Hoover's Company Profiles for public and private companies), and business and trade publications.

Office of the Attorney General Go here for California anti-trust and consumer complaint law.

Antitrust Division, US Department of Justice The US agency responsible for enforcing the Federal Anti Trust laws through criminal prosecution or civil action. This site includes current antitrust activity.

US Federal Trade Commission The US Federal Trade Commission enforces Federal antitrust and consumer protection laws.

FreeAdvice ® Outstanding Advice. Unbeatable Price. FreeAdvice includes Bankruptcy Law and Business Law.


Contracts and Contracting

FedBizOpps (FBO) database (Fed Biz Ops, FedBizOps, Fed Biz Opps), formerly known as the Commerce Business Daily (CBD)  lists US Government contracting opportunities.

Sites for the text of US Government contracts regulations; FAR, DFAR:
Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)
FARSite Contracting Laboratory, Hill AFB
Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy For the DFARs

LII Contract From Cornell Legal Information Institute, Overview, Resources, and other tabs. Site includes Federal law, regulations and court decisions, for states the Uniform Commercial Code sections, links to international law, and other contracts sites.