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MHR 3210 Human Resources Management

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Web Research Tips

Many online sources are plagiarized or of questionable quality. When using online sources, ask yourself the following questions: Who is the author? What are his/her credentials? What possible biases exist? When was this source published?

Google logo by Ruth Kedar
Logo by R. Kedar (1999)

Cite Your Sources using APA Style

Cal Poly Pomona (old stables) by Flickr user JingKe888
Cal Poly Pomona (old stables) by JingKe888 (2024)

When creating your project, remember to cite everything you did not write / create / think up on your own, including images / graphs / charts / maps / datasets you borrow from online sources. Below are some tools and websites to help you cite your sources correctly.

To learn more about the importance of academic integrity, please see

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