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TOM 3010 Operations Management

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Citing IBISWorld

Reference List:

Alvarez, A. (2017, October). Fast food restaurants in the US (IBISWorld Industry Report 72221a). Retrieved from IBISWorld database.


In-text citation:

According to Alvarez (2017), the quick-service industry must seek “healthy and convenient meal options” to stay competitive (p. 5).


The quick-service industry must seek “healthy and convenient meal options” to stay competitive (Alvarez, p. 5).

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Cite Your Sources!

La Geode, by Samyra Serin
Photo by S. Serin (2008)

When creating your project, remember to cite everything you did not write / create / think up on your own, including images / graphs / charts / maps / datasets you borrow from online sources. Below are some tools to help you cite your sources correctly.

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