Extensively updated to reflect all current US GAAP changes. Includes topic-specific chapters and comprehensive cross-references Illustrates how each standard applies to common, real-world scenarios. Clarifies how to implement each standard with numerous practical examples. Includes the latest revisions to standards on credit losses, leases, derivatives, and more, plus guidance on a new FASB Codification topic on government assistance.
A riveting look at the perpetrators, victims, and whistleblowers behind financial crimes from forensic accounting professor Kelly Richmond Pope.
Make organizations perform better by changing their management model, including abolishing the traditional budgeting process.
Explains the economic and sociological principles that underpin the use of strategic management accounting practices in organizations and prepares students to analyze case studies and technical articles on strategic management accounting.
Business news and analysis. Peer-reviewed research. Industry reports by country. Part of Proquest Databases. Read more about this resource or visit the help page.
Business news and analysis. Peer-reviewed research. Case studies and SWOT analyses. Country reports. Includes Harvard Business Review. Read more about this resource or watch a how-to video.
Research service that provides full-text access to publications from the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), and the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB).
U.S., China, Canada, and global industry market research and company benchmarking reports. Funded by the College of Business Administration. Read more about this resource.
Financial information on 10,000+ publicly traded companies on the NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ exchanges, including EDGAR/SEC filings. Also includes industry analysis and private companies. Read more about this resource.
Online version of Annual Statement Studies. Composite financial data and financial ratio benchmarks for small, medium, and large U.S. companies. Search by industry keyword or NAICS. Advanced search by industry, year, region, and data type such as assets and sales.
A comprehensive legal, business and news database. LEGAL CONTENT includes U.S. federal and state case law, regulations, statutes, administrative codes, legislative history, law reviews and journals, American Law Reports, American Jurisprudence 2d, Black's Law Dictionary, European Union case law and related legal publications. BUSINESS CONTENT includes EDGAR Filings and Disclosures, Company Investigator (including Hoover's Company Profiles for public and private companies), and business and trade publications. NEWS CONTENT includes U.S. state, national and international newspapers, magazines, blogs, radio and television transcripts, and congressional testimony.
Access datasets from AuditAnalytics, Compustat, CRSP, Dow Jones, Federal Reserve Bank, MSRB, OTC Markets, and others. Funded by the College of Business Administration. Free account registration required of all users. Undergraduate students, please register for a “Masters/Undergraduate Student” account. If you have any questions, please email Business Librarian Julie Shen (jshen@cpp.edu) and copy Associate Dean Cheryl Wyrick (crwyrick@cpp.edu).