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URP 4230: Planning for Minority Communities

This guide has links to library resources for Dr. Huerta's class.

Cite Your Sources!

When writing a paper or creating a project, you need to cite everything that you did not write or create yourself. This includes articles, books, maps, videos, statistics. Citing your sources means that you follow a specific format to show what source you used. Below are some examples:

Citing an article: Kim, D., & Ra, Y. (2015). What impacts success in college? Findings from the perceptions of Korean students. College Student Journal, 49(1), 161-168.

Citing a book: Santrock, J., & Halonen, J. (2010). Your guide to college success: Strategies for achieving your goals (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

ZoteroBib is an easy useful website that will create your citation for you.

How to cite Simply Analytics data

Below are examples of citing Simply Analytics data in APA style:

  • SimplyAnalytics (2017). EASI/MRI Consumer Expenditure Data 2016. Retrieved February 17th, 2017, from SimplyAnalytics database.
  • SimplyAnalytics (2017). Census 2016 Current Estimates Data. Retrieved February 17th, 2017, from SimplyAnalytics database.
  • SimplyAnalytics (2017). Map with 2016 Consumer Expenditure Data. Retrieved February 17th, 2017, from SimplyMap database.

To find these examples within the database, go to: Support > Help Center > click on How do I cite Simply Analytics data?


If you are unsure which dataset you are using, below is a screenshot how to find it:

example of a search result on simplyanalytics with the hamburger menu of one search result open to show the view metadata option