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Communication 4620 - Communication Capstone

Video Tutorials for OneSearch


What is OneSearch?

OneSearch is a search tool within the Cal Poly Pomona Library website. It connects users to articles, books, e-books, and media available from the library, as well as items that are available to borrow from any of the 23 CSU campuses through our CSU+ delivery service.

Some advantages of using our OneSearch engine include:

  • Search results are returned very quickly.
  • You can search for multiple types of items including items in our catalog such as books, eBooks, media, journal articles, conference proceedings, newspaper articles, etc.
  • The results you receive can be narrowed down using the facets on the left-hand side of the search results.
  • By clicking a facet, you can limit results to FULL-TEXT ONLINE, or PEER-REVIEWED JOURNALS. You can also narrow by a number of other options including RESOURCE TYPE, SUBJECT area, CREATION DATE, LANGUAGE, and other options.
  • You can EXPAND YOUR SEARCH beyond the library’s collection. This will include digital collections from other universities and institutions, or other resources to which we may not have access. If you find an electronic resource we do not subscribe to but you need for your research, you can request a digital copy using INTERLIBRARY LOAN.
  • You can view your search result citations in a number of different citation formats including APA, MLA, and Turabian/Chicago.
  • The JOURNAL SEARCH function makes it easy to search for specific journal titles. You can also use it to check for specific newspaper, magazine, or trade journal titles.
  • Anyone can use OneSearch from the library’s homepage, including those outside of the Cal Poly Pomona community. In order to access full-text articles, however, you’ll have to login using your Cal Poly Pomona BroncoName and BroncoPassword.
  • Users can save searches or individual results using the "Save Query" button or the favorites pin.

Does OneSearch search all databases?

Onesearch searches through Cal Poly Pomona's ebooks, databases, journals, and physical collection

  • OneSearch includes all of the library catalog; however, not all databases are included in OneSearch results. This means that some subject-specific databases or journals may not be searchable via OneSearch. If you are having issues finding specific database results, please contact your Subject Librarian for further assistance.
  • As with any search tool, the more specific you are when searching, the more likely you are to find a smaller, more targeted results set. If you are receiving too many results, try using more targeted search terms. Your research process may require that you submit multiple searches to find what you’re looking for. If you’re having issues finding results, please contact your Subject Librarian for further assistance.

What Databases are Not Available in OneSearch?

OneSearch does not index some of the major databases to which Cal Poly Pomona subscribes, including but not limited to the following databases:

  • ASTM Compass
  • Biological Abstracts
  • Compendex/Ei Village
  • FAITS - Faulkner's Advisory for IT Studies
  • Mergent Online
  • Mergent Online - Industry Reports
  • Ulrichs Periodical Directory
  • Web of Science cited reference searching
  • WGSN

Why Can't I Search By Full-Text in All Databases?

Some of our resources can be searched by citation information such as title, author, etc., rather than the full text. These include but are not limited to the following databases:

  • Artstor
  • Classical Music Library
  • Garland Encyclopedia of World Music
  • IBISWorld
  • IEEE/IET Electronic Library (IEL)
  • JSTOR/Artstor
  • Knovel Library
  • Synthesis Digital Library of Engineering and Computer Science
  • Web of Science cited reference searching

 Why Aren’t Newspaper Articles Included in OneSearch Results?

Currently, newspaper articles are not included in the default search results for OneSearch since that would create a lot of results that might not be relevant when you’re looking for scholarly articles. However, from the default search results, you can use the facet RESOURCE TYPE > NEWSPAPER SEARCH on the left-hand side to quickly see newspaper article results. You can also use the Newspapers Search function if you only want to search for newspaper articles and news items.