This page focuses on the library's ebooks and streaming videos. If you would like to borrow a print book, please use OneSearch on the Library's main page to find a print book on your topic of interest.
This ebook and video collection covers a wide range of IT topics: software development, system administration, security, business, web and mobile, and career development.
Over 15,000 expert-led, online courses and video tutorials on business, technology, and creative topics. Funded by the Division of Information Technology.
ProQuest Ebook Central (formerly ebrary and EBL) is a multidisciplinary collection of ebooks from numerous academic publishers. Visit the help page. NOTE: Titles can be dropped by the publisher without prior notice.
This collection includes over 8,000 ebooks covering a range of academic topics. Watch a how-to video.
Ebooks co-published by IEEE and Wiley or River Publishers are available on IEEE Xplore. Book chapters will appear in Xplore search results. Search by title or the By Publisher tab for Wiley or River Publishers and click Browse Latest Titles.
Published by Springer, this collection consists of 50-100 page books or "lectures," each synthesizing an important research or development topic and authored by a prominent contributor to the field. The Library has access to Collections 1-7 that cover the years 2005-2018. The option to browse the Engineering and Computer Science book titles is also available.
Access to purchased ebooks, open access e-journals, and encyclopedias from Wiley-Blackwell in the fields of science, technology, engineering, medicine, mathematics, computer science, business, education, environmental science, humanities, law, and psychology.
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