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Introductory Science Resource Guide for Cal Poly Pomona Students and Faculty

Finding Books and Articles with OneSearch

Finding Books with OneSearch

Finding Articles with OneSearch

Find Journals with OneSearch

Find Journals with OneSearch


Option 1:

  1. Follow this link to OneSearch. Once the page loads, click on the JOURNALS button in the grey menu bar at the top.


  1. Then type the journal's TITLE or ISSN in the Journal Search bar OR select a subject area under JOURNALS BY CATEGORY that fits your research needs. You will then see a list of existing journals and be able to further refine your search.

Option 2:

  1. Follow this link to OneSearch. Once the page loads, enter your chosen search terms in the general or advanced search function. If you're looking for a particular journal, conduct a search using the journal's title or a related keyword.

  1. Then, filter the results using TWEAK MY RESULTS on the left side of the page. Scroll down to RESOURCE TYPE and select JOURNALS. Keep in mind, you may need to click on SHOW MORE if you don't immediately see JOURNALS under RESOURCE TYPE.

Resource Type filter in OneSearch