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Master's Thesis Formatting Guidelines

Formatting rules for Thesis Submissions

Bronco ScholarWorks


Submitting a Thesis or Project to Bronco ScholarWorks

These tasks are a part of the Graduate Studies steps towards completing your thesis or project. Please read through the entire process before attempting to submit to Bronco ScholarWorks. Once at the Bronco ScholarWorks submission stage please complete each step outlined below.

  1. Attend a Thesis Formatting and Electronic Submission Workshop. (Optional but highly recommended)

    1. At this workshop you will get an overview of how to format your work, including your Title page, Committee Membership, table of contents, etc.  You will also be shown the procedure to submit your thesis to Bronco Scholarworks.

    2. Workshop PowerPoint can be found here

  2. Finalize all content in your thesis before submitting to Bronco Scholarworks. 

    1. Once you submit to Bronco Scholarworks, you will not be able to make any further changes to your thesis.

  3. Have your committee members sign off on your paper using the Adobe Sign process in addition to having the reviewers sign off on your paper using Adobe Sign.

    1. There are two Adobe Sign procedures, one to obtain signatures from your committee and one from the reviewers.  These must be completed prior to submitting to Bronco Scholarworks.

  4. Save or Export your document as a PDF. 

    1. Please title your file name with the following naming convention: LastnameFirstname_ThesisORProjectYear.  (Ex: SmithJohn_Project2015)

  5. Submit your Thesis to Bronco Scholarworks using the Submission Form

    1. Please note: You will upload a copy of your paper that has NOT gone through the Adobe Sign process.  Please view the infographic below for a visual representation.

Infographic telling the user to upload their thesis/projects into the committee members, library reviewers, and Bronco scholarworks sections.

Submitting a Project Abstract:

• Submit your Project Abstract to Bronco Scholarworks using the Submission Form.

o If submitting a Project Abstract, please attach a copy of your abstract to the submission form.

o Please note: only students whose committee have approved of submitting only an abstract can do so. This will be verified with the Report of Culminating Experience (RCE). Not submitting properly could delay the signing of the RCE and delay issuance of graduation and degree.


If you have any issues during the electronic submission process, please contact the Bronco Scholarworks Team at