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Resources for Ancient History

Books on Ancient History will be found on the 4th and 6th floors of the Library

  • Ancient History (General) : D51-D90 (6th Floor)
  • Ancient Mediterranean : DE1-DE100 (6th Floor)
  • Ancient Greece : DF10-DF289 (6th Floor)
  • Ancient Italy (Rome): DG11-DG365 (6th Floor)
  • Ancient Middle East: DS41-DS66 (6th Floor)
  • Ancient India: Begins with DS433 (6th Floor)
  • Ancient China: Begins with DS733 (6th Floor)
  • Greek & Latin Literature -- PRIMARY SOURCES -- Subclass PA (4th Floor)
  • Chinese Classics -- PRIMARY SOURCES -- Subclass PJ (4th Floor)

Floormap of the University Library's 6th Floor


This page includes resources from the "Ancient History Primary Sources" and "Medieval and Renaissance History Primary Sources" guide by Texas Tech University