Cal Poly Pomona’s W.K. Kellogg Arabian Horse Library is open to all users who must fill out a registration form, present a form of photo identification to a Special Collections staff member, and are subject to following rules:
Reading Room Rules
- All materials are housed in closed stacks and may not be removed from Special Collections. Materials must be viewed in the reading room under staff supervision.
- Food, drink, and gum are not allowed in the reading room.
- Only pencils and laptop computers may be used for taking notes in the reading room. Ink of any kind is prohibited. Additional personal belongings must be stored in a designated area.
- Special Collections staff reserves the right to inspect library materials and personal items prior to entry and upon departure from the reading room.
Handling of Materials
- Please follow any special instructions given by Special Collections staff.
- Materials must be handled with care to ensure their safety and preservation.
- No marks may be added or erased on any materials.
- Books, papers, and other objects should not be set on the materials. Special weights will be provided to hold books open, upon request.
- Please do not use post-it notes, paper clips, pencils, or other objects to mark a place in a book or folder. Special acid-free paper strips will be provided.
- White cotton gloves are to be worn when handling photographic materials. Staff will provide them.
- One archival box or folder OR up to three books are allowed at the table at any time.
- Folders should be removed from the box one at a time, and the exact order of materials within folders and boxes must be maintained. Please report any disarrangement to Special Collections staff immediately.
- Foam book rests will be provided for particularly fragile materials.
- Please leave materials the way they were left before leaving.
Advanced notice of your visit, although not required, is recommended in order to ensure availability of materials and staff assistance. For any further questions, please contact either:
Katie Richardson, Head of Special Collections and Archives: / 909-869-3109, or
Rob Strauss, Special Collections and Archives Coordinator: / 909-869-3695