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D4D Accessibility Guide

Accessibility (A11y) Remediation Overview

Project's Purpose

To bring our LibGuides into digital accessibility compliance we will need each Guide, and all pages within that Guide, to meet a series of accessibility milestones explained in the Milestones section of this Guide. 

As LibGuide owners and editors you’re all a11y champions in the making!

Guide Contents:

  • an overview of the project,
  • important milestone dates,
  • checklists,
  • web accessibility support info,
  • process for reporting your remediation accomplishments

A11y Remediation Support

This guide has asynchronous resources, but include resources and support specific to your organization. 

Accessibility icon.  Stick figure with arms and legs outstretched.Thank you!

We’re looking forward to working with you and celebrating your accomplishments!


Image credit:  Icons made by Smashicons from

Video Introduction to Web Accessibility and W3C Standards

Project Management Suggestions

Include supporting project documentation in the guide

  • preferably as accessible formatted documents
  • reduces the number of places people have to look to get a question answered to understand why they are having to work on the project


  • Include key deadlines and communication schedules in the guide if those are available.
  • You may want to use the a guide like this as a living document, but be sure to explain to your authors that you may be making updates.
    • Sending regular emails with any major guide changes, events, and accomplishments was useful to keep on track
      • Consider having a consistent email subject line so it will be easy for authors to tag, filter, and find your communications.