Career Opportunities in Library and Information Science by Lin CarvellCall Number: CAREER CENTER
ISBN: 081605245x
Publication Date: 2005-01-01
The traditional concept of a library is currently being redefined from a place to access collections of books and manuscripts to one which houses the most advanced media, including CD-ROMs, virtual libraries, and remote access to a wide range of resources. Most people are unaware that nowadays an incredibly broad range of activities takes place behind the average library doors, including exhibitions of valuable prints, readings by authors, conferences of scholars, and collaborative brainstorming on information technologies and how best to exploit them for the benefit of the library community. Career Opportunities in Library and Information Science explores this ever-changing profession, providing clear, accessible information about careers in library and information science. This book provides comprehensive descriptions of more than 70 different jobs typically held by librarians, exploring the information and resources readers would need to pursue them. Entries are divided into seven areas that represent the types of jobs in which librarians can expect to work, including academic, corporate/association, library education, public, K-12, special, and state/federal. Also offered are extensive appendixes of university programs with accredited library and information science degree programs, associations, and bibliographies of books and periodicals.